星期一, 7月 23, 2007


Service Suspended 72 Hours for Ultima Online Account: XXXXXXXX <-遊戲帳號 Your Ultima Online account has been suspended from the Ultima Online service for 72 hours due to the following violation of the Ultima Online unattended macroing policy: Violation: Unattended Macroing Violation 12/25/2005 3:51:19 AM Character: XXX World: Formosa ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^違法角色及伺服器所在
Rules of Conduct: 6) You may not leave an active character or pet in game while unattended. If your character is performing a skill, text or action, you must be able to respond to a Game Master when one attempts to speak to you.

依據合約第六條規定,不得離機巨集。當你的角色在進行技能訓練、講話、動作,你必須要可以回答GM的問題。 想不到中獎了,下次不敢了,第二次被抓到了。 第一次是被關到多月門房間。 第二次就被停三天了。 這是個血淋淋的例子,請大家不要作違法的事情。
查詢的方式在下列網址 http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/terminated_form.php
將你的" Email(遊戲帳號中註冊的mail) "、"遊戲帳號"、"遊戲名稱",再發送出去將在24小時內回覆你的查詢。
Where should I go for information about my banned or suspended account? 傳說中的多月門小屋,夢想中的屋子
