星期一, 7月 09, 2007

nVidia driver install ubuntu


* 命令 lspci | grep nVidia 输出一行文字
* 您需要3D硬件加速支持


1. 允许 restricted 软件包

NVIDIA驱动位与Ubuntu软件仓库的 "restricted" 模块中.因此,在准备安装该驱动前,请在您的系统中允许restricted模块.


选择屏幕上方的 System 系统菜单.

选择 Administration 管理工具, Synaptic Package Manager 新立得软件包管理器. 当提示消息时请输入密码.

在软件包管理器中, 选择Settings 设置菜单,然后选择 Repositories.

当出现 Software Sources 软件源窗口时,点击 Add 添加 按钮.

在 Edit Repository 窗口中,请确保选择了 Restricted copyright 复选框,然后按下 OK 确定按钮.

按下 OK 确定按钮以关闭 Software Sources 软件源 对话框, 当新立得软件包管理器问您是否重新加载软件源时,请选择 是 .


2. 安装并激活驱动

可以通过右键单击所选的软件包并选择 Mark for Installation 标记以便安装来安装该软件包.



单击 Search 搜索按钮并搜索 "nvidia".

您需要安装 nvidia-glx-legacy 或 nvidia-glx 软件包。如果您的显卡位于该'''显卡列表'''底部(标记有"legacy"), 请安装 nvidia-glx-legacy, 否则,请安装 nvidia-glx 软件包.

如果您准备编译3D应用程序,请安装 nvidia-glx-dev 软件包.

如果您的系统为 Hoary Hedgehog 或 Breezy Badger, 请安装 nvidia-settings 和 nvidia-xconfig 软件包. 在 Ubuntu 6.06 LTS中 不要 安装其他软件包因为其会删除 nvidia-glx 软件包.

单击 Search 搜索 按钮并搜索 "linux-restricted-modules". 您必须确保在Ubuntu软件仓库中选择了 restricted 模块 (见上方说明).

选择适合您内核的相关模块.例如如果您安装了 linux-image-amd64-k8 内核,您应该安装 linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8软件包.

单击 Apply 应用 按钮来安装新的(已标记的)软件包.
8. 一旦新立得软件包管理程序完成变更,将其关闭.

选择屏幕上方的 Applications 应用程序菜单,然后选择 Accessories 附件, Terminal 终端.
10. 在终端窗口中输入如下命令:

sudo nvidia-xconfig


关闭所有程序,按下 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 以重启 X server. 如果您在按下Ctrl-Alt-Backspace后看见 NVIDIA 标志的屏幕闪过, 则说明您的驱动已经安装正确了.

3. 删除 nVidia 标志

如果您不想在启动界面之前显示 nVidia 标志,您需要手动编辑您的 Xorg 配置文件.


1.选择屏幕上方的 Applications 应用程序菜单,然后选择 Accessories 附件, Terminal 终端.
* 输入如下命令:

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

* 在Device一节中找到 "nvidia" 所在行
* 在该行后添加

Option "NoLogo"

* 保存文件并退出

关闭所有程序,按下 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace 以重启 X server. 如果标志消失且其他一切正常则说明更改已生效.


* 某些情况下需要重新启动系统来使某些更改生效.如果3D加速没有起作用,请先重启试试.
* 如果3D加速在重启后依旧没有工作,请确保您选择了linux-restricted-modules软件包的正确版本.该版本必须与您的内核版本一致.

如果您的linux-restricted-modules版本正确但是3D加速依旧没有工作,打开 /etc/X11/xorg.conf 文件进行编辑 sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf 并确保Section "Device" 条目下面 Driver 项目设置成 "nvidia".
* 如果您在加载NVIDIA模块时出现错误,请通过运行depmod命令来重建模块依赖关系.

sudo depmod


如果 suspend 模块不工作,请查看 NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend

其他问题,请访问论坛 http://www.ubuntuforums.org


如何安装显卡的驱动程序 (NVIDIA)?


请参阅 如何新增其他的软件库 (extra Repositories)?

sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx
sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup
sudo nvidia-glx-config enable
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/NVIDIA-Settings.desktop



[Desktop Entry]
Name=NVIDIA Settings
Comment=NVIDIA Settings



请参阅 [刷新GNOME面板]

应用程序 -> 系统工具 -> NVIDIA Settings


The following driver options are supported by the NVIDIA X driver.
They may be specified either in the Screen or Device sections of the X
config file.

Option "NvAGP" "integer"
Configure AGP support. Integer argument can be one of:
0 : disable agp
1 : use NVIDIA's internal AGP support, if possible
2 : use AGPGART, if possible
3 : use any agp support (try AGPGART, then NVIDIA's AGP)
Please note that NVIDIA's internal AGP support cannot
work if AGPGART is either statically compiled into your
kernel or is built as a module, but loaded into your
kernel (some distributions load AGPGART into the kernel
at boot up). Default: 3 (the default was 1 until after

Option "NoLogo" "boolean"
Disable drawing of the NVIDIA logo splash screen at
X startup. Default: the logo is drawn.

Option "RenderAccel" "boolean"
Enable or disable hardware acceleration of the RENDER
OWN RISK. There is no correctness test suite for the
RENDER extension so NVIDIA can not verify that RENDER
acceleration works correctly. Default: hardware
acceleration of the RENDER extension is disabled.

Option "NoRenderExtension" "boolean"
Disable the RENDER extension. Other than recompiling
the X-server, XFree86 does not seem to have another way of
disabling this. Fortunatly, we can control this from the
driver so we export this option. This is useful in depth
8 where RENDER would normally steal most of the default
colormap. Default: RENDER is offered when possible.

Option "UBB" "boolean"
Enable or disable Unified Back Buffer on any Quadro
based GPUs (Quadro4 NVS excluded); please see
Appendix M for a description of UBB. This option has
no affect on non-Quadro chipsets. Default: UBB is on
for Quadro chipsets.

Option "NoFlip" "boolean"
Disable OpenGL flipping; please see Appendix M for
a description. Default: OpenGL will swap by flipping
when possible.

Option "DigitalVibrance" "integer"
Enables Digital Vibrance Control. The range of valid
values are 0 through 255. This feature is not available
on products older than GeForce2. Default: 0.

Option "Dac8Bit" "boolean"
Most Quadro parts by default use a 10 bit color look
up table (LUT) by default; setting this option to TRUE forces
these graphics chips to use an 8 bit (LUT). Default:
a 10 bit LUT is used, when available.

Option "Overlay" "boolean"
Enables RGB workstation overlay visuals. This is only
supported on Quadro4 and Quadro FX chips (Quadro4 NVS
excluded) in depth 24. This option causes the server to
advertise the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS root window property
and GLX will report single and double buffered, Z-buffered
16 bit overlay visuals. The transparency key is pixel
0x0000 (hex). There is no gamma correction support in
the overlay plane. This feature requires XFree86 version
4.1.0 or newer (or the Xorg X server). NV17/18 based
Quadros (ie. 500/550 XGL) have additional restrictions,
namely, overlays are not supported in TwinView mode
or with virtual desktops larger than 2046x2047 in any
dimension (eg. it will not work in 2048x1536 modes).
Quadro 7xx/9xx and Quadro FX will offer overlay visuals
in these modes (TwinView, or virtual desktops larger
than 2046x2047), but the overlay will be emulated with
a substantial performance penalty. RGB workstation
overlays are not supported when the Composite extension is
enabled. Default: off.

Option "CIOverlay" "boolean"
Enables Color Index workstation overlay visuals with
identical restrictions to Option "Overlay" above.
The server will offer visuals both with and without a
transparency key. These are depth 8 PseudoColor visuals.
Enabling Color Index overlays on X servers older than
XFree86 4.3 will force the RENDER extension to be disabled
due to bugs in the RENDER extension in older X servers.
Color Index workstation overlays are not supported when the
Composite extension is enabled. Default: off.

Option "TransparentIndex" "integer"
When color index overlays are enabled, use this option
to choose which pixel is used for the transparent pixel
in visuals featuring transparent pixels. This value
is clamped between 0 and 255 (Note: some applications
such as Alias's Maya require this to be zero
in order to work correctly). Default: 0.

Option "OverlayDefaultVisual" "boolean"
When overlays are used, this option sets the default
visual to an overlay visual thereby putting the root
window in the overlay. This option is not recommended
for RGB overlays. Default: off.

Option "RandRRotation" "boolean"
Enable rotation support for the XRandR extension. This
allows use of the XRandR X server extension for
configuring the screen orientation through rotation.
This feature is supported on GeForce2 or better hardware
using depth 24. This requires an XOrg 6.8.1 or newer
X server. This feature does not work with hardware overlays,
emulated overlays will be used instead at a substantial
performance penalty. See APPENDIX W for details.
Default: off.

Option "SWCursor" "boolean"
Enable or disable software rendering of the X cursor.
Default: off.

Option "HWCursor" "boolean"
Enable or disable hardware rendering of the X cursor.
Default: on.

Option "CursorShadow" "boolean" Enable or disable use of a
shadow with the hardware accelerated cursor; this is a
black translucent replica of your cursor shape at a
given offset from the real cursor. This option is
only available on GeForce2 or better hardware (ie
everything but TNT/TNT2, GeForce 256, GeForce DDR and
Quadro). Default: no cursor shadow.

Option "CursorShadowAlpha" "integer"
The alpha value to use for the cursor shadow; only
applicable if CursorShadow is enabled. This value must
be in the range [0, 255] -- 0 is completely transparent;
255 is completely opaque. Default: 64.

Option "CursorShadowXOffset" "integer"
The offset, in pixels, that the shadow image will be
shifted to the right from the real cursor image; only
applicable if CursorShadow is enabled. This value must
be in the range [0, 32]. Default: 4.

Option "CursorShadowYOffset" "integer"
The offset, in pixels, that the shadow image will be
shifted down from the real cursor image; only applicable
if CursorShadow is enabled. This value must be in the
range [0, 32]. Default: 2.

Option "ConnectedMonitor" "string"
Allows you to override what the NVIDIA kernel module
detects is connected to your video card. This may
be useful, for example, if you use a KVM (keyboard,
video, mouse) switch and you are switched away when
X is started. In such a situation, the NVIDIA kernel
module cannot detect what display devices are connected,
and the NVIDIA X driver assumes you have a single CRT.

Valid values for this option are "CRT" (cathode ray
tube), "DFP" (digital flat panel), or "TV" (television);
if using TwinView, this option may be a comma-separated
list of display devices; e.g.: "CRT, CRT" or "CRT, DFP".

NOTE: anything attached to a 15 pin VGA connector is
regarded by the driver as a CRT. "DFP" should only be
used to refer to flatpanels connected via a DVI port.

Default: string is NULL.

Option "UseEdidFreqs" "boolean"
This option causes the X server to use the HorizSync
and VertRefresh ranges given in a display device's EDID,
if any. EDID provided range information will override
the HorizSync and VertRefresh ranges specified in the
Monitor section. If a display device does not provide an
EDID, or the EDID does not specify an hsync or vrefresh
range, then the X server will default to the HorizSync
and VertRefresh ranges specified in the Monitor section.

Option "IgnoreEDID" "boolean"
Disable probing of EDID (Extended Display Identification
Data) from your monitor. Requested modes are compared
against values gotten from your monitor EDIDs (if any)
during mode validation. Some monitors are known to lie
about their own capabilities. Ignoring the values that
the monitor gives may help get a certain mode validated.
On the other hand, this may be dangerous if you do not
know what you are doing. Default: Use EDIDs.

Option "NoDDC" "boolean"
Synonym for "IgnoreEDID"

Option "FlatPanelProperties" "string"
Requests particular properties of any connected flat
panels as a comma-separated list of property=value pairs.
Currently, the only two available properties are 'Scaling'
and 'Dithering'. The possible values for 'Scaling' are:
'default' (the driver will use whatever scaling state
is current), 'native' (the driver will use the flat
panel's scaler, if it has one), 'scaled' (the driver
will use the NVIDIA scaler, if possible), 'centered'
(the driver will center the image, if possible),
and 'aspect-scaled' (the driver will scale with the
NVIDIA scaler, but keep the aspect ratio correct).
The possible values for 'Dithering' are: 'default'
(the driver will decide when to dither), 'enabled' (the
driver will always dither when possible), and 'disabled'
(the driver will never dither). If any property is not
specified, it's value shall be 'default'. An example
properties string might look like:

"Scaling = centered, Dithering = enabled"

Option "UseInt10Module" "boolean"
Enable use of the X Int10 module to soft-boot all
secondary cards, rather than POSTing the cards through
the NVIDIA kernel module. Default: off (POSTing is done
through the NVIDIA kernel module).

Option "TwinView" "boolean"
Enable or disable TwinView. Please see APPENDIX I for
details. Default: TwinView is disabled.

Option "TwinViewOrientation" "string"
Controls the relationship between the two display devices
when using TwinView. Takes one of the following values:
"RightOf" "LeftOf" "Above" "Below" "Clone". Please see
APPENDIX I for details. Default: string is NULL.

Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "range(s)"
This option is like the HorizSync entry in the Monitor
section, but is for the second monitor when using
TwinView. Please see APPENDIX I for details. Default:

Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "range(s)"
This option is like the VertRefresh entry in the Monitor
section, but is for the second monitor when using
TwinView. Please see APPENDIX I for details. Default:

Option "MetaModes" "string"
This option describes the combination of modes to use
on each monitor when using TwinView. Please see APPENDIX
I for details. Default: string is NULL.

Option "NoTwinViewXineramaInfo" "boolean"
When in TwinView, the NVIDIA X driver normally provides
a Xinerama extension that X clients (such as window
managers) can use to to discover the current TwinView
configuration. Some window mangers can get confused by
this information, so this option is provided to disable
this behavior. Default: TwinView Xinerama information
is provided.

Option "TVStandard" "string"

Option "TVOutFormat" "string"

Option "TVOverScan" "Decimal value in the range 0.0 to 1.0"
Valid values are in the range 0.0 through 1.0; please see

Option "Stereo" "integer"
Enable offering of quad-buffered stereo visuals on Quadro.
Integer indicates the type of stereo glasses being used:

1 - DDC glasses. The sync signal is sent to the glasses
via the DDC signal to the monitor. These usually
involve a passthrough cable between the monitor and
video card.

2 - "Blueline" glasses. These usually involve
a passthrough cable between the monitor and video
card. The glasses know which eye to display based
on the length of a blue line visible at the bottom
of the screen. When in this mode, the root window
dimensions are one pixel shorter in the Y dimension
than requested. This mode does not work with virtual
root window sizes larger than the visible root window
size (desktop panning).

3 - Onboard stereo support. This is usually only found
on professional cards. The glasses connect via a
DIN connector on the back of the video card.

4 - TwinView clone mode stereo (aka "passive" stereo).
On video cards that support TwinView, the left eye
is displayed on the first display, and the right
eye is displayed on the second display. This is
normally used in conjuction with special projectors
to produce 2 polarized images which are then viewed
with polarized glasses. To use this stereo mode,
you must also configure TwinView in clone mode with
the same resolution, panning offset, and panning
domains on each display.

Stereo is only available on Quadro cards. Stereo
options 1, 2, and 3 (aka "active" stereo) may be used
with TwinView if all modes within each metamode have
identical timing values. Please see (app-l) APPENDIX
L: PROGRAMMING MODES for suggestions on making sure the
modes within your metamodes are identical. The identical
modeline requirement is not necessary for Stereo option 4
("passive" stereo). Currently, stereo operation may
be "quirky" on the original Quadro (NV10) chip and
left-right flipping may be erratic. We are trying
to resolve this issue for a future release. Default:
Stereo is not enabled.

Stereo options 1, 2, and 3 (aka "active" stereo) are not
supported on Digital Flatpanels.

Option "AllowDFPStereo" "boolean"
By default, the NVIDIA X driver performs a check which
disables active stereo (stereo options 1, 2, and 3)
if the X screen is driving a DFP. The "AllowDFPStereo"
option bypasses this check.

Option "NoBandWidthTest" "boolean"
As part of mode validation, the X driver tests if a
given mode fits within the hardware's memory bandwidth
constraints. This option disables this test. Default:
the memory bandwidth test is performed.

Option "IgnoreDisplayDevices" "string"
This option tells the NVIDIA kernel module to completely
ignore the indicated classes of display devices when
checking what display devices are connected. You may
specify a comma-separated list containing any of "CRT",
"DFP", and "TV".

For example:

Option "IgnoreDisplayDevices" "DFP, TV"

will cause the NVIDIA driver to not attempt to detect
if any flatpanels or TVs are connected.

This option is not normally necessary; however, some video
BIOSes contain incorrect information about what display
devices may be connected, or what i2c port should be
used for detection. These errors can cause long delays
in starting X. If you are experiencing such delays, you
may be able to avoid this by telling the NVIDIA driver to
ignore display devices which you know are not connected.

NOTE: anything attached to a 15 pin VGA connector is
regarded by the driver as a CRT. "DFP" should only be
used to refer to flatpanels connected via a DVI port.

Option "MultisampleCompatibility" "boolean"
Enable or disable the use of separate front and back
multisample buffers. This will consume more memory
but is necessary for correct output when rendering to
both the front and back buffers of a multisample or
FSAA drawable. This option is necessary for correct
operation of SoftImage XSI. Default: a singlemultisample
buffer is shared between the front and back buffers.

Option "NoPowerConnectorCheck" "boolean"
The NVIDIA X driver will abort X server initialization
if it detects that a GPU that requires an external power
connector does not have an external power connector
plugged in. This option can be used to bypass this test.
Default: the power connector test is performed.

Option "XvmcUsesTextures" "boolean"
Forces XvMC to use the 3D engine for XvMCPutSurface
requests rather than the video overlay. Default: video
overlay is used when available.

Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "boolean"
Enables GLX even when the Composite X extension is loaded.
ENABLE AT YOUR OWN RISK. OpenGL applications will not
display correctly in many circumstances with this setting
enabled. Default: GLX is disabled when Composite is

Option "ExactModeTimingsDVI" "boolean"
Forces the initialization of the X server with the exact
timings specified in the ModeLine. Default: For DVI
devices, the X server inilializes with the closest mode in
the EDID list.
